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Elite on the BBC Micro and NES

Text: TKN2

[NES version, Bank 2]

Name: TKN2 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Text Summary: The extended two-letter token lookup table Deep dive: Extended text tokens
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * DETOK2 uses TKN2 * MT18 uses TKN2

Two-letter token lookup table for extended tokens 215-227.
.TKN2 EQUB 12, 10 ; Token 215 = {crlf} EQUS "AB" ; Token 216 EQUS "OU" ; Token 217 EQUS "SE" ; Token 218 EQUS "IT" ; Token 219 EQUS "IL" ; Token 220 EQUS "ET" ; Token 221 EQUS "ST" ; Token 222 EQUS "ON" ; Token 223 EQUS "LO" ; Token 224 EQUS "NU" ; Token 225 EQUS "TH" ; Token 226 EQUS "NO" ; Token 227