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Elite on the BBC Micro and NES

Drawing ships: ship_list

[Elite-A, Parasite]

Name: ship_list [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Drawing ships Summary: A list of all available ship types in Elite-A, for populating the ship blueprints table Deep dive: Ship blueprints in Elite-A
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * install_ship uses ship_list
.ship_list EQUW SHIP_DODO \ 0 = Dodo station EQUW SHIP_CORIOLIS \ 1 = Coriolis station EQUW SHIP_ESCAPE_POD \ 2 = Escape pod EQUW SHIP_PLATE \ 3 = Alloy plate EQUW SHIP_CANISTER \ 4 = Cargo canister EQUW SHIP_BOULDER \ 5 = Boulder EQUW SHIP_ASTEROID \ 6 = Asteroid EQUW SHIP_SPLINTER \ 7 = Splinter EQUW SHIP_SHUTTLE \ 8 = Shuttle EQUW SHIP_TRANSPORTER \ 9 = Transporter EQUW SHIP_COBRA_MK_3 \ 10 = Cobra Mk III EQUW SHIP_PYTHON \ 11 = Python EQUW SHIP_BOA \ 12 = Boa EQUW SHIP_ANACONDA \ 13 = Anaconda EQUW SHIP_WORM \ 14 = Worm EQUW SHIP_MISSILE \ 15 = Missile EQUW SHIP_VIPER \ 16 = Viper EQUW SHIP_SIDEWINDER \ 17 = Sidewinder EQUW SHIP_MAMBA \ 18 = Mamba EQUW SHIP_KRAIT \ 19 = Krait EQUW SHIP_ADDER \ 20 = Adder EQUW SHIP_GECKO \ 21 = Gecko EQUW SHIP_COBRA_MK_1 \ 22 = Cobra Mk I EQUW SHIP_ASP_MK_2 \ 23 = Asp Mk II EQUW SHIP_FER_DE_LANCE \ 24 = Fer-de-Lance EQUW SHIP_MORAY \ 25 = Moray EQUW SHIP_THARGOID \ 26 = Thargoid EQUW SHIP_THARGON \ 27 = Thargon EQUW SHIP_CONSTRICTOR \ 28 = Constrictor EQUW SHIP_DRAGON \ 29 = Dragon EQUW SHIP_MONITOR \ 30 = Monitor EQUW SHIP_OPHIDIAN \ 31 = Ophidian EQUW SHIP_GHAVIAL \ 32 = Ghavial EQUW SHIP_BUSHMASTER \ 33 = Bushmaster EQUW SHIP_RATTLER \ 34 = Rattler EQUW SHIP_IGUANA \ 35 = Iguana EQUW SHIP_SHUTTLE_MK_2 \ 36 = Shuttle Mk II EQUW SHIP_CHAMELEON \ 37 = Chameleon EQUW 0 \ 38 = No ship