Recreated box screenshots for the BBC Micro
This page contains all the Acornsoft box screenshots for the BBC Micro. See the index page for a full list.
BBC Micro: Acorn Arcade: Breakout
The bats are closer together in the box screenshot than in the released game.
BBC Micro: Acorn Arcade: Dodgems
BBC Micro: Acorn Arcade: Invaders
BBC Micro: Acorn Arcade: Snake
The scores section in the box screenshot has a black background rather than the red background of the released game.
BBC Micro: Arcadians
In the bottom row of the box screenshot, the text is much closer to the ship and the ship and flag icons are quite different to the released game.
BBC Micro: Aviator
The box screenshot has a blue background instead of the black background of the game.
BBC Micro: BlackBox
Flashing colours in the original game are shown as light grey-blue colours in the box screenshot.
BBC Micro: Bouncer
BBC Micro: Boxer
BBC Micro: Carousel
BBC Micro: Chess
BBC Micro: CrazyTracer
BBC Micro: Defender
BBC Micro: Draughts
BBC Micro: Drogna
BBC Micro: Elite (BBC Micro)
BBC Micro: Elite (6502 Second Processor)
BBC Micro: Elite (BBC Master)
BBC Micro: Firebug
BBC Micro: Free Fall
The box screenshot has a blue background instead of the black background of the game.
BBC Micro: Gambit
BBC Micro: Go
BBC Micro: Hopper
BBC Micro: JCB Digger
BBC Micro: Labyrinth
The box screenshot is a heavily cropped version of the actual game, so the scores are missing from the top and the screen shape is quite different.
BBC Micro: Magic Mushrooms
I have recreated the game elements of the cover, but not the photograph.
BBC Micro: Maze
BBC Micro: Meteor Mission
BBC Micro: Meteors
In the box screenshot, the screen number is missing from the top-right, the score has been moved to the left, and the whole thing has been cropped to a much smaller screen size than in the released game, chopping off the left-most meteor in the process (the game plays at 320x256, but the box shot is cropped to 212x169). Also see the screenshot for the Electron version of Meteors for some interesting clues as to the origin of both screenshots.
BBC Micro: Missile Base
BBC Micro: Monsters
In the box screenshot, the design of the white monster is different from the released game, the score has a yellow drop shadow, and the oxygen bar is shorter and has no border. Also, the ladder layout isn't from level 1 and there are three monster types, but the score is really low, so I suspect this one was manually composed rather than taken from a genuine playthrough.
BBC Micro: Planetoid
This is the same as the box screenshot for Defender, the game that Planetoid replaced, but with the scores and some of the top-right radar entries removed.
BBC Micro: Reversi
BBC Micro: Revs
BBC Micro: Rocket Raid
BBC Micro: Sliding Block Puzzles
The island in the top-left of the box screenshot is much smaller than in the released game.
BBC Micro: Snapper V1
BBC Micro: Snapper V2
The design of the blue ghost is different in the box screenshot when compared to the released game.
BBC Micro: Snooker
BBC Micro: Starship Command
The box screenshot has a blue background instead of the black background of the game, and the ship is off-centre.